Must-See Links
I am encouraging all of my readers to get familiar with these links in particular,
as I think they hit the nail on the head better than any genealogy sites out there
Teapot Genies
Video reports on Australian Genealogy at Banana TV.
Genealogy Today
A great online magazine with loads of very well-written articles and links.
A little bit of an irreverent critique of the genealogy industry, but worth a look-see!
Other Links of Note
There are several sites that have extensive lists and links to the hundreds
of genealogy programs and websites out there. These ones are some of the most
popular/useful ones that I have found:
Cyndi's List
The volume of links here can be overwhelming, but if it exists, it is here.
Awesome Genealogy
Links to the most comprehensive genealogy databases on the Internet.
Genealogy Resources on the Internet
List of
software programs for genealogy.
Louis Kessler's Genealogical Program Links
Very well-organized list of
software programs for genealogy.
SurnameWeb's HomePage Construction Kit
Here you will find examples of the type of webpage that various genealogy software programs create.
Research Links
Three of the better sites to start researching your tree are, and
SurnameWeb. They all have absolutely
marvelous search engines that pull information from many databases. You can
cover a lot of ground quickly and painlessly at these sites. There are also
a lot of census records available online and on CD-ROM. A good directory of
what is available is at

Also, if your ancestors were immigrants at the turn of the century, DO NOT
miss the Ellis Island database! Now online at:

If you need a hand in doing the basic research, try hiring a professional
For UK research:

For USA research:

Recommended Reading
Here are some great books which will help you in your quest! Available through by clicking on the images:

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Online Genealogy
by Rhonda R. McClure, Shirley Langdon Wilcox

The Everything Online Genealogy Book
by Pat Richley

Netting Your Ancestors: Genealogical Research on the Internet
by Cyndi Howells

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Genealogy
by Christine Rose, Kay Germain Ingalls, Kay German Ingalls

The Handybook for Genealogists: United States of America (9th Edition)
by George B. Everton

The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy
by Sandra H. Luebking

Unpuzzling Your Past: A Basic Guide to Genealogy (3rd Edition)
by Emily Anne Croom

The Unpuzzling Your Past Workbook: Essential Forms and Letters for All Genealogists
by Emily Anne Croom

Family Tree Maker® For Dummies®
by April Leigh Helm, Matthew L. Helm